Discover our Elegant White Rose Bouquet
Be seduced by the elegance of our artificial white rose bouquet, perfect for enchanting any space in your home. With stems measuring 30 cm in length, this bouquet features large white artificial roses with a generous diameter of 6 cm and smaller ones measuring 2.5 cm. Carefully crafted with textured petals, these flowers offer a realistic and delicate touch, capturing the beauty of white in all its splendor.
Enhance Your Decor with White Rose Bouquet
Add a touch of timeless beauty to your space with our artificial white rose bouquet. It serves as a refined and maintenance-free decorative element for your home, office, or special events such as weddings, anniversaries, or Mother’s Day.
Experience the Realism of Artificial Roses
Our artificial white rose bouquet is designed with premium materials, featuring flexible wire stems that give you the freedom to arrange your bouquet as you please.
Technical Specifications of the White Rose Bouquet
- Height: 30 cm per rose, with a diameter of 6.5 cm for the large ones and 2.5 cm for the smaller ones, totaling approximately 15 large roses.
- Construction: Strikingly realistic with high-quality silk roses and lifelike plastic foliage, supported by wire stems for durability
- Durability: Enjoy everlasting beauty with artificial roses that never wilt and remain fresh and vibrant with minimal upkeep
- Color: Intense white hue for a romantic presence in your interior decor
- Care: Occasional cleaning is all that’s needed to maintain the brilliance of these low-maintenance roses. A simple dusting now and then preserves their beauty.
Indulge in the romance and refinement offered by our artificial white rose bouquet. Order now to infuse your space with this timeless floral essence.
Discover our extensive range of artificial flowers and plants for more options. Also, explore our everlasting roses. You are sure to find the perfect piece that suits your desires at